A Long Overdue Jonas Update!

It’s been awhile since I shared a Jonas update and what can I say? Boy, has he grown and changed from the sweet little baby in his Valentine’s Day pictures from two years ago! Eek! He’s still as sweet as ever, but he is now a grown little boy of TWO! The terrible two’s get such a bad wrap and don’t get me wrong, it’s 100% true. But what you don’t hear about quite as often is how amazingly sweet this crazy stage can be. He is passionate about getting his way.  He is becoming more and more independent and I love that he continues to try new things on his own.  He is learning at rapid speed and surprising us with new words, silly dance moves and expressions every day.  He’s also incredibly obsessed with his mama right now (move over, Daddy!) and I’m not going to lie, I LOVE IT! So yea, I’m relishing these terrific twos and soaking it all in because it’s really true what they say – it does go by in the blink of an eye. I also know the days of these adorable photo shoots are numbered, so I plan to take full advantage while I still can.

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