Four Weeks


Tomorrow Jonas will be 12 weeks old which means I can pretty much stop calling him a newborn now.  It’s bittersweet actually.  During my pregnancy every week felt like an eternity. But once I gave birth, time immediately sped up. How unfair is that?! I miss those first days when we were still getting acquainted and learning to trust each other.  Sure being a new parent is overwhelming in the beginning, but it is also an incredibly special time. And maybe I’ll have a second child down the road, but Jonas will always be the first to open my heart to love like only a parent can: completely and unconditionally. But despite missing him being so tiny and new, I enjoy having a front row seat to the new changes he’s experiencing and I especially love the special bond we’ve already formed.  It’s finally starting to feel like we’re getting the hang of things!  If what they say is true (and “they” always seem to be right lately!), things will start changing quickly and frequently.  In four weeks I return to work full-time and I know things will become more challenging.  Balancing work and life was never one of my strengths, even before the baby. I’m a little nervous to see how we’ll transition into our new schedule on top of all of Jonas’ personal changes (Hello teething!).  But I’m trying not to get ahead of myself and just relish in these last few weeks of my maternity leave. Give myself permission to let the house chores, emails and laundry pile up if they must and enjoy all the midday cuddles. After all, he will only be this little once, so this is my last chance to soak it all in.

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January 6, 2017 - 12:52 pm

Charlotte - Don’t forget to share the cuddles too!