It’s that time of year again…time for family photos! As a photographer, it’s one of my favorite times because I get to reconnect with “my families” and see how much everyone has changed in the last twelve months. But I also know that just the thought of a family photo can make most parents breakout in hives, especially those with the wee little ones. It’s stressful (trust me, I know!), but it doesn’t have to be. Photography sessions are not only a great activity to do together as a family, *gasp* it can be tons of fun too! Here are some words of advice for all you parents out there hoping to brave another one this year.

• Schedule your session during your family’s “happy time”.  Don’t get me wrong, there are times of day that are ideal for photography (early mornings, late afternoons), but who cares about optimal light if everyone is tired or cranky during the session.  If you or your children are not morning people, don’t schedule a morning session.  An experienced photographer will be able to shoot and produce quality work regardless of the time of day.

• Eat before your session. A hungry child (or parent) is not a happy one.  Scheduling your session after mealtime will ensure that you have enough energy for all the walking and other activities we’ll be doing during your shoot.

• Dress appropriately.  I know you want to have your family photographed in the cute outfits you just picked out, but if it’s uncomfortable or not appropriate for the day’s forecast – scrap it! This goes for footwear too. You’ll have so much more fun if everyone is comfortable with what they’re wearing.

• Bring along snacks and treats. I can’t stress this tip enough. You’re going to be very active during your session, so everyone (especially the kids) will need to keep their energy levels up. Snacks and treats always save the day!  Just keep them small and the non-messy type to prevent them from getting in the way of the picture-taking.

• Don’t sweat the little things. And by little things, I mean the little people.  I can tell you from experience, the number one session “mood killer” is a frustrated parent.  The kids sense it and the session goes from being fun to being a chore for everyone involved. A child’s mood can bounce back quickly, but our moods as adults….not so much. So when you start getting upset that your child’s not cooperating, just remember life is completely different behind the lens. I can see things that you can not and I promise, I’ll have a few gems for you to enjoy!


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October 3, 2012 - 12:35 pm

Katherine Vargas - thanks for the tip Mad this is awesome…

October 4, 2012 - 7:53 am

Amy - Great tips, Maddy!

October 4, 2012 - 10:19 am

sarah - These are great tips! And so important…no one wants a bunch of family photos with miserable kids and mad parents ;-)

October 4, 2012 - 6:03 pm

Sabine - Wonderful – and very sensible – tips, Maddy… and your photos show that it works! (especially loving the last one, such a happy energy). So sad that we won’t meet in London – I hope you have a great time and lots of fun!

October 5, 2012 - 12:29 am

Tiera - Such great tips :) This totally makes me wish my family had professional photos taken when my brother and I were kids!

October 5, 2012 - 10:30 am

Life with Kaishon - Excellent advice Maddy! LOVE it : )