The Skinny on Friday Nights

Friday night Kleber made plans to hang out with the guys.  I didn’t mind. In fact, the poor guy deserves a medal for putting up with our shenanigans during the trip, but I’ll save those stories for another day. The real reason I bring this up is because as soon as he mentioned those Friday night plans, my brain started working overtime to figure out what my plans would be:  Should I call my friends?  Should I organize a Girl’s Night Out? Should I visit my parents? All these questions to avoid the more important question:  why not spend Friday night alone?  Yea….why not!  Who says our weekend calendars must be filled to the brim in order to make it count.  So I made plans to spend the night with myself.  After feeling under the weather for an entire week, it was exactly what I needed to get me back on track. I caught up on all the shows Kleber hates to watch, I ordered what  I wanted to eat and  totally indulged, including an entire bottle of the Skinnygirl Margaritas  – which I’m sure stops being so “skinny” after the second serving… Oh well! Moral of the Story: Never forget to indulge in some “me” time, even if it happens to fall on a Friday night!

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July 19, 2011 - 3:10 am

Life with Kaishon - That sounds like an absolutely PERFECT Friday night Maddy. My Friday night was spent taking the kids rock climbing which they LOVED : ) And then we went to visit my parents and they weren’t home so the kids just ran around the barn. And THEN, we went to Cheeburger Cheeburger because the kids LOVE the milkshakes. It was a nice night.

Sending love.

July 19, 2011 - 5:17 am

Jo - Absolutely! Here’s to girl’s night in…solo! Sounds like your “me time” was pretty amazing!!

July 19, 2011 - 11:28 am

Sarah - Dodeline Design - So true! Sometimes there is nothing better than zoning out and doing exactly what YOU want to do. Glad you had a nice night :-)

July 19, 2011 - 11:45 am

Chavonne - I tried that drink once (of course I didn’t like it). I love me time. I take Z to daycare twice a week so that in addition to being able to run errands and meet up with friends, I get a little time all to myself

July 19, 2011 - 11:53 am

Amy - Sounds like a whole lot of fabulous!

July 19, 2011 - 12:04 pm

Vanessa - A perfect way to spend a Friday night. Who says you have to go out to have a good time:) My weekends r about my Anandra now, the partying can wait (lol)

July 19, 2011 - 12:22 pm

lou - oh i love those friday nights where martin is out with the boys and i can do whatever i want (especially playing loud music and dance in the whole appartment) :-)
i find it very necessary to have such nights every once in a while.

July 19, 2011 - 1:23 pm

Mindy - Some friends and I were just talking about those skinny girl margaritas…I think a night in, all alone, sounds absolutely wonderful, and the margaritas are the icing on the cake!
And, I just noticed Abby’s pic on your landing page….that photo is one of my all time favorites :)

July 19, 2011 - 1:29 pm

Maddy {Mad Hearts Photography} - That picture is one of my favorites too :)

July 19, 2011 - 1:33 pm

Camila Faria - I’ve never heard of this lovely Skinnygirl Margarita before! Sounds (and looks) amazing! What a great idea for a friday night (alone or with the girls)!

July 19, 2011 - 1:49 pm

JWS3 - OUR shenanigans? if anyone……

July 19, 2011 - 3:11 pm

Hannah B - Ooo! I’ve never tried Skinny Girl margaritas. Maybe I should! It is nice to just unwind by yourself sometimes.

July 19, 2011 - 3:46 pm

alexandra keller - sometimes i miss having unlimited me time. i’d give a 12 pack to my husband today to take our son fishing – i’d love to spend 8 hours cleaning out my office/studio.
i’ll have to try those skinny girl maragaritas. i blogged about diet ones a long time ago. prob don’t taste as good. but i want to try this – tequila, grapefruit juice, lime juice and (diet) sierra mist. saw it on a bar menu somewhere – should have tried it then, but i think we were with the kiddo…

July 19, 2011 - 3:49 pm

Connie - It seems a constant struggle to fit in that “me” time without feeling guilty for neglecting others and doing other things, but I so love to spend time by myself. I read somewhere that the key to happiness is being comfortable with being alone so I guess we’re well on our way! :)

July 19, 2011 - 4:29 pm

Keeley - Sounds like a great evening! I love reading a stack of magazines (preferably food mags), watching programs saved on my DVR, and having pizza (or Chinese or Thai) with a glass of wine.

I’ve never tried that skinny margarita, but I’ve seen it in the store. I may have to look into that.

July 19, 2011 - 4:44 pm

emily - me time is awesome regardless when it is…as long as it’s after 5:00 AM and before 10:00 PM

July 19, 2011 - 5:58 pm

savvy gal - I love your new blog.

July 19, 2011 - 9:49 pm

Maria - Right on, Maddy! I’ve spent many Friday nights alone and it feels great. BTW I like this pic. Question….Do you add anything to that skinny margarita drink?

July 19, 2011 - 9:54 pm

Gloria - Hanging out at home, drinking margaritas sounds like a total blast :-) As a Real Housewives fan (cough cough), I’ve been curious about the Skinny Girl margaritas – must try one soon!

July 19, 2011 - 10:23 pm

Maddy {Mad Hearts Photography} - No. I drink it as is. Everything is mixed in there already. I guess you can always garnish with salt and lime for the added “touch” :)

July 19, 2011 - 10:38 pm

Jenny - This is the second time I hear of this drink. Sounds yum. Especially if it was good enough to drink a while bottle. Ha! Now I need to hunt it down and try some. I love “me” time.

July 20, 2011 - 4:42 pm

Nadette - I totally agree with you Maddy! My summer social schedule is usually on overdrive, so when ever I do get a weekend night to spend at home, I usually really appreciate it, and often kick back with a glass or two of wine or other spirits and some good ole’ TV. But I want to hear about all the shenanigans from your trip, because I’m a fan of shenanigans :)

August 1, 2011 - 9:41 am

Tiera - Sounds like a great Friday night in! I love going out and hanging out with my friends and family, but sometimes I just love to get into some cute pajamas and watch the E! channel lol!